I have 3 emails configured

OK, I had 2 types of members in the Target list: 1. our own system users, 2. a couple contacts with gmail addresses ( 1 valid & 1 invalid for the bounce test). So when I deleted the 2 gmail accounts from the outbound mail queue, it sent out emails to all 4 system users. Then when I updated target list to remove system users & leave the two gmail contacts - it would hang in the queue - I even deleted the bad gmail email and the one remaining valid gmail contact still stayed in the queue (yes I did the mass update to remove the in process flag prior to sending again).

I did another test to add a contact instead of a system user to a non-gmail email account and that went out just fine - so Sugar or Google is preventing sending emails to gmail domain contacts.

Parents Reply
  • This error usually means one of a few things.  Either the FROM address on this email is not acceptable to the email server (for example if you have test@test.com as the FROM email address and you connect to example.com to send it).  On some servers, since the domains are different it will refuse to send it (or relay it).  This is an anti-spam check that is pretty common.  Another possible problem is that the server you are connected to has its relaying settings set a but too high so it is refusing to send email to Google.

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