For those Pro customers who are not ready to move to Sugar Enterprise and take advantage of the new Advanced Workflow, SierraCRM's Process Manager may be the solution that helps bridge-the-gap.
Our Process Manager product is a powerful and simple to use workflow module that has most of the functionality found in Legacy Workflow, plus many features not found in Legacy Workflow. Here are some features in Process Manager that may interest you:
We are working on our next version of Process Manager, due out early next year that will auto convert all of your Legacy Workflow to Processes in Process Manager.
Information about the product can be found at
Bill Convis
Hi Nathan,
I’m sorry that you ran into those issues with SugarChimp! We wish we had an opportunity to help you out as that could have been prevented based on the way you use email addresses that are shared between Accounts and Contacts/Leads. If you ever want to give it a try again let me know and we’ll get you set up correctly.
Hopefully that doesn't discourage you from checking out Process Manager. This is a rock solid workflow solution that has been around for many, many years and brings additional functionality that the standard Workflows just couldn't do. It will allow you to keep using Pro for as long as you need to before you are ready for the Enterprise jump:
I too would be curious what is being done for Pro users who rely heavily on workflows. I appreciate the offer for extended Pro prices for Enterprise version and am trying to convince my boss of the value. However it is not something I see myself needing at the end of the day if legacy workflows are maintained and supported. It was my impression that workflows were being removed completely from Professional On Demand in late 2016
Has anyone replied as to what is being done for Pro users?
We purchased Pro because of workflows, if it goes away this year what will happen to our database and existing process?
Hi Art,
SierraCRM was a Silver Sponsor at the Sugar Conference last week and we showed off Process Manager 4.1 at the show.
Check out my previous response in this thread to get a better understanding of what our product can do.
Our price point is very reasonable - $149.00 per month recurring.
A feature of our new release is the ability to auto convert all of your existing legacy workflows to Processes in Process Manager.
Please contact us if you would like to check out the product on a 30 day trial.
Bill Convis
530 272 3064