Is ProcessMaker going to be available for SugarCRM Pro 7.6?

I read that ProcessMaker will be integrated as a new workflow module with SugarCRM Enterprise 7.6.  Will this module be available for purchase for the PRO edition?
  • Hi Bojiang,

    This is correct -- our new Advanced Workflow functionality will be coming in 7.6, specifically as a feature available in the Enterprise and Ultimate editions. You would need to upgrade editions if you would like to take advantage of this.


    Alex Nassi
    Digital CX Operations Director

  • Hi nathan,

    the standard workflows are still available in Sugar 7.6, Pro and Enterprise

  • Thanks Mark,

    We've just been notified by SugarCRM that they are pulling workflow support from the professional version.

    As our busy help desk and sales team depend on many automated workflows this makes our staying on the professional version impossible for us, and enterprise almost doubles our outlay.

    Extremely disappointed.

  • Hi Nathan,

    We understand that our Sugar Pro customers like yourself rely on our Sugar Workflow feature and we would like to work with you to see what solution we could provide. If you could, please direct message me and we can set up a follow-up meeting to discuss options.

  • Hi Rosaalie, I'd also like to understand what the options are. We're in a similar situation to Nathan - small price sensitive business, happy with Pro, a big user of workflows. Tried to work out how to direct message you, failed .

    I doubt we're alone, any chance you could share a few more details publicly?

    Thank you, Dan

  • Hi Rosaalie,

    Thanks for reaching out to us.  My concern is my experience with third party apps and Sugar is not ideal.  Our last foray into this area was implementing SugarChimp, which then deleted the information of all our accounts who shared email addresses.  <Eeek!>

    Our issue is Sugar are choosing to remove functionality from their product without entering into a proper discussion with their existing clients who purchased the product based on certain functionality and pricing.  In fact we've been waiting over a week for a Sugar representative to respond to our concerns about this issue, but our re-seller doesn't seem to be having any luck achieving this for us.  They've offered us a lock in of 3 years on the Pro pricing to move to enterprise with a cut of for our decision of December.  Why lock us in?  Why only 3 years?  We have so many questions we need answered prior to December and it's stressing us out at this point

  • With latest announcement that SugarCRM is discontinuing WorkFlows and replacing with Process Author for Enterprise+ clients only (minimum 10 user license requirement),SugarCRM is effectively punting small business users that have supported them from day one and helped Sugar grow their business. Anyone who has built their small business around workflows will soon discover 1) they have to upgrade to Enterprise (min 10 licenses) and 2) they have to re-write all their workflows by late 2016. For all the reasons I did not go with Salesforce, now I am wishing I didn't go with Sugar. 

  • Folks,

    For those Pro customers who are not ready to move to Sugar Enterprise and take advantage of the new Advanced Workflow, SierraCRM's Process Manager may be the solution that helps bridge-the-gap.

    Our Process Manager product is a powerful and simple to use workflow module that has most of the functionality found in Legacy Workflow, plus many features not found in Legacy Workflow. Here are some features in Process Manager that may interest you:

    • Both And and Or of Conditions
    • Filter Operators of Equal - Not Equal - Contains - Does Not Contain - Greater Than / Less Than - Is Null and many more
    • The ability to run Recurring Processes. For example, every day at 5PM find all Cases that are opened today and not Closed and assign the Cases in a Round Robin to the Tier 2 night shift.
    • Process Tasks such as Convert Leads, Call REST Services, Send Sugar Notificaitons,
    • The ability to Cancel a running Process

    We are working on our next version of Process Manager, due out early next year that will auto convert all of your Legacy Workflow to Processes in Process Manager.

    Information about the product can be found at


    Bill Convis

    CTO SierraCRM

  • Hi Nathan,

    I’m sorry that you ran into those issues with SugarChimp! We wish we had an opportunity to help you out as that could have been prevented based on the way you use email addresses that are shared between Accounts and Contacts/Leads. If you ever want to give it a try again let me know and we’ll get you set up correctly.

    Hopefully that doesn't discourage you from checking out Process Manager. This is a rock solid workflow solution that has been around for many, many years and brings additional functionality that the standard Workflows just couldn't do. It will allow you to keep using Pro for as long as you need to before you are ready for the Enterprise jump:

  • Rosaalie,

    I too would be curious what is being done for Pro users who rely heavily on workflows. I appreciate the offer for extended Pro prices for Enterprise version and am trying to convince my boss of the value. However it is not something I see myself needing at the end of the day if legacy workflows are maintained and supported. It was my impression that workflows were being removed completely from Professional On Demand in late 2016

  • Rosaalie,

    I too would be curious what is being done for Pro users who rely heavily on workflows. I appreciate the offer for extended Pro prices for Enterprise version and am trying to convince my boss of the value. However it is not something I see myself needing at the end of the day if legacy workflows are maintained and supported. It was my impression that workflows were being removed completely from Professional On Demand in late 2016
