Leads custom field that exists in Account

Hi Gurus,

Is there a way to put a field in the leads module that already exists in the account module.

SugarCRM CE 6.5.22.

For instance, I have a request to insert a custom field in the leads that is the annual revenue of the company. If a put a custom field (_c), then, when the lead is converted I will have to enter the information again in the account part because the account already have a annual revenue field. So, is there a way to reuse the account field in the leads part in a way that, when I convert the lead, the revenue information will be in the account information?

all the best,


Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    I didn't have the views folder under /public_html/sugarcrm/custom/modules/Leads/

    now I created and copied the modified file:

    # pwd


    # ls -la

    total 48

    drwxr-sr-x 2 4096 Feb  9 08:43 ./

    drwxr-sr-x 6 4096 Feb  9 08:42 ../

    -rwxr-xr-x 1 38970 Feb  9 08:43 view.convertlead.php*


    I also removed the lines from the original file.

    did a repair, but nothing happened. and still no entries in the log.

    same problem.

    Must be something really dumb that I'm doing. Maybe you could assume that I know nothing and start from scratch, asking me really newbie questions. Maybe I'm missing something that you assume I should know.

    all the best,

