Leads custom field that exists in Account

Hi Gurus,

Is there a way to put a field in the leads module that already exists in the account module.

SugarCRM CE 6.5.22.

For instance, I have a request to insert a custom field in the leads that is the annual revenue of the company. If a put a custom field (_c), then, when the lead is converted I will have to enter the information again in the account part because the account already have a annual revenue field. So, is there a way to reuse the account field in the leads part in a way that, when I convert the lead, the revenue information will be in the account information?

all the best,


Parents Reply
  • Thank you.

    but maybe I'm doing something wrong. I did the test with a field that I already have, " industry" as you can see, I have industry_c in leads:


    Then I did the relationship the the file view.convertlead.php under public_html/sugarcrm/modules/Leads/views:


    After that I did a quick rebuild. but when I select "convert lead", the industry field is empty:


    Am I missing something here? Sorry if it's a dumb question, but I'm new to sugar and have a lot to learn.

    all the best,

