Health check for echo and after_ui_footer logic hook


I want to upgrade to last version, but Health check is not passing due to a custom module with echo php statement and the use of a after_ui_footer logic hook.

Can I just disable/remove the custom module, upgrade SugarCRM and then reinstall the custom module ?

Are echo statements and after_ui_footer logic hooks just not allowed for the upgrade procedure or no more at all ?



Parents Reply
  • Hi Alan, thanks for your answer.

    Since when it's not supported/no more available ?

    My custom module using echo's and after_ui_footer is currently running on a 7.6.1 Pro version. It's working well right now.

    I use after_ui_footer to insert custom javascript and inline css on a on-demand instance where I can't modify the files.

    What is the new recommended procedure to insert custom javascript/css ?


