Formula: Days since record was last updated

Hi again.

I´m trying to calculate how many days since a record (Opportunity) was last updated. I know there is a KB about this but the example there is calculating between two date fields on the record. I need to calculate between now (today) and $date_modified. Here is my attempt (which returns a blank):


Is this maybe not possible?

Only possible to calculate/count between two date fields (not a date field and now/today) as mentioned in the KB...

Thanks guys,


Parents Reply
  • Hi Kristjan Geir Mathiesen,

    Your formula will work however there is a limitation of this field, which is that it will only calculate the number of days each time you save the record. By this I mean that if you save the record today, and then go and look at it a week later, it will still have the number of days from the first save. This means that if you are using this for reporting on then it will not provide you with an ever-updating list of records. Also on top of this, surely when you save the field to trigger the calculation this will then change the date modified to today, so it will surely always just show that there is no difference between the Data Modified and today's date.

    If you are trying to use this for reporting purposes so that you can ensure you make contact with them, then it may be easier to simply use the Date Modified field (or create a field such as Last Called that gets set via a workflow).
