7.6 - Create Opportunity and RLI simultaneously - change available RLI fields...?

We have recently upgraded to v7.6 of Sugar, and one of the great new features is the ability to create an Opportunity and its associated RLIs simultaneously.

However, I cannot see how you can change what fields are available when you create the RLI underneath the opportunity. For example, we do not use the "Best" and "Worst" value fields - we simply use "Likely". 

Presumably there is somewhere I can change these fields in Studio...? If so, please can someone tell me where! It is in none of the obvious places...

Parents Reply
  • Hi Christy,

    The bug report for this issue can be found here. It is currently (tentatively) slated for a fix in 7.8, but that is subject to change. Also note that the bug report mentions a code customization that lets you modify this layout:

    Layout appears to be defined explicitly via : /modules/RevenueLineItems/clients/base/views/subpanel-for-opportunities-create/subpanel-for-opportunities-create.php requiring a code-level customization, probably mirroring the custom files created when normal subpanel layout is edited for RLI on Opportunities, with changes in custom directory.

    I hope that helps!

