Dashlet examples of Customer Sales Figures

Dear all, 

I am in the process of adding insights into customer sales figures to CRM. However the team has difficulties visualizing how this should look. Can anyone share their examples? 

We are looking to Show total sales YTD + total sales per last two seasons. These sales should be able to be split up in product groups and items. 

Any examples are appreciated

  • Hi Arie, I work for sales-i and we are currently working with SugarCRM to provide insights, including reports like you are asking for.  The link below shows a screenshot of sales-i in SugarCRM displaying yearly sales figures by product group, broken down in to quarterly terms to understand trends in product sales, you are able to break this down further to item level and group the data in many different ways. Let me know if you have any further questions.

  • Hi Arie, I work for sales-i and we are currently working with SugarCRM to provide insights, including reports like you are asking for.  The link below shows a screenshot of sales-i in SugarCRM displaying yearly sales figures by product group, broken down in to quarterly terms to understand trends in product sales, you are able to break this down further to item level and group the data in many different ways. Let me know if you have any further questions.

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