Special Announcement: SugarCRM Acquires sales-i

Hello everyone, 

We are excited to bring you a special update that is particularly significant for our manufacturing, wholesale, and distribution sectors. SugarCRM has recently acquired sales-i, a leader in predictive B2B sales intelligence, specializing in your industries. This partnership is poised to revolutionize the way you manage accounts and leverage data to drive sales performance.  

Key Benefits for You 

  • Enhanced Insights and Analytics: The combined power of sales-i and Sugar ensures deeper insights into customer behaviors and trends, enabling you to better understand and anticipate customer needs.  
  • Unlock New Revenue Streams: Discover hidden opportunities within your existing relationships through advanced cross-sell, upsell, and link-sell analytics, enhancing your ability to grow revenue efficiently.  
  • Centralized Data Intelligence: Experience a seamless integration of CRM and ERP data, providing a unified view of sales analytics that empowers your teams to make informed decisions without leaving the Sugar platform.   

Join Us to Learn More 

We invite you to join our upcoming webinar, where we will delve deeper into this acquisition and what it means for you. Register here. 

Additionally, you can view the announcement and Customer FAQs.

Please feel free to reach out to sales-i@sugarcrm.com with any questions or to share your initial thoughts.   

Warm regards,  
