CRM - Have you asked your CUSTOMERS - What they want?

A Key to CRM Success - is THE CUSTOMER 

As part of your CX strategy & plan, you should reach out to your customers

I Say this because many companies implementing CRM don't.....

Ask them

  • What can we do better?
  • What should be easier?
  • What should we do- that we don't today?
  • What is your preferred communication method?

So, as part of how you build and configuration of your SugarCRM deployment - make sure you ask your customers what they want.

It is recommended that you ask some of your best customers AND ask some of the cranky ones too - you are bound to learn A LOT especially from the grumpy ones.

This feedback will enable you to really focus on making your clients happier - by serving them the way they want to be served.

  • Great advice, Erik! I particularly like your question of "what should be easier?". It is easy for companies to say that they provide a service to their customers but asking about the points of friction enables the company to really understand the impact of a great CX.

    I would challenge everyone to go one step further, and to put customers at the heart of the original business case for CRM. If you aren't starting with the customers needs, it is almost inevitable that a CRM becomes a glorified data entry tool - built to enable management to forecast without much else.. aka a CRM from the 90s.

  • Great advice, Erik! I particularly like your question of "what should be easier?". It is easy for companies to say that they provide a service to their customers but asking about the points of friction enables the company to really understand the impact of a great CX.

    I would challenge everyone to go one step further, and to put customers at the heart of the original business case for CRM. If you aren't starting with the customers needs, it is almost inevitable that a CRM becomes a glorified data entry tool - built to enable management to forecast without much else.. aka a CRM from the 90s.

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