• SugarCRM Cookbook - So you wanna override an endpoint

    Post originally written by sugarraagaard. 1. Introduction So you have yourself in a bit of a bind, you need to get an existing API to do something different. Maybe you need more information on an Account record, or perhaps your custom module needs some…
  • How to Remove Sub panel Create And Select Button ? 

    Hi All, i want to remove sub-panel create buuton and select link remove from parent Module Account and Sub panel module Is case.
  • auto increment integer field

    Hi, I use sugar 7.6 pro and I want a custom integer field id_autoincrement in the task module which is autoincremented every time that I create a new task. If I create a task and the last created id is 10 the new one will be 11 for example. I find a lot…
  • Add a custom button to Quotes record view

    Hi, I have a Sugarcrm 7.6 pro installation and I want to add a custom button to the Quotes record views and I found this guide in the documentation https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_7.6/UI_Model/Views/Examples…