• Add custom font-family in tinymce email editor - sugar 12.3

    I am trying to add a new Montserrat font in the tinymce editor of composer-email but without success. Can anyone help me? I created: source/custom/modules/Emails/clients/base/fields/htmleditable_tinymce/htmleditable_tinymce.js ({ extendsFrom:…
  • Sugar Latest Version ENT V13 Clarifications

    1. New Module Deployment : In Sugar V13 ENT default fields, such as the 'Name' field, are not listed Studio ->Layouts -> Record View/List View sections. For example, we would like to display the 'Name' field somewhere other than the top of the screen…
  • Duplicate Check not working on Custom Relationship Field

    Hi all. I've added a new relationship on leads linked to Contacts ( contacts_leads_1) which is One to Many relationship. On the lead this creates the standard relate field linked to the relationship. When going into the "Search and Select" box and…
  • How to run crons from code

    Hello everyone! Someone knows if is possible run the crons from code? My case: I have a job that executes all days to respective hour, this job create a specific file with data of some module; but sometime the user could add wrong data to some records…
  • BeanFactory::getBean not returning existing record in SugarCRM custom code

    I have a SugarCRM integration. It has the following line in the code $beanToSync = BeanFactory::getBean($moduleToCheck, $beanToSync->id); In $moduleToCheck the module 'Leads' is passed and $beanToSync->id have an ID of an existing Lead in SUgarCRM…
  • Error when consuming external service.

    Hi We are currently modifying the url of a web service that is consumed from sugarcrm, the instance is an instance located in the cloud. This is an example of the code we implemented: curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => ' http://pruebas…
  • add company name to Contacts results when adding a new relationship o type One to Many.

    When adding a relationship between Module X and Contacts we see only Fullname, in several cases multiple contacts share the same name. I would like to customize these results that it would show also a custom field next to the fullname. I have modified…
  • Allow for multiple CRONS

    You would be amazed at the number of issues people have with the single cron. In my main instance we have over 200 scheduled jobs. They are a mix of standard, critical and huge jobs. Some are just plain critical like Inbound EMail and some run a long…
  • Copy Opportunity Record with all related linked RLI

    I want to copy opportunity record with linked RLI. same as quotes and QLI. when we copying any Quotes record all related RLI is also gets copied. I want to do same functionality for opportunity module.
  • Adding custom create button to list-headerpane

    Hi all, I'm working on an instance of SugarServe 10.2. Following guidance from here and this article ( https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_10.2/Cookbook/Adding_Buttons_to_the_Record_View/#Defining_the_Button_Label…
  • Allow Custom Class names for SugarPDF Customizations

    Dear Sugar Support Team, As of Sugar 10, Sugar PDF doesn't allow customizations, but it would really help if you can allow Custom Class names for extending SugarPDF, just like how the rest of the Extension framework works. The simple change required…
  • Manage custom configuration

    Hello everybody, I'm facing a problem that most of you have already had. In the cloud (or on premise instances), when I want to update a custom config value, I should deploy a package. This could be annoying when you want to do some tests or make…
  • safe upgrade on custom editviewdef

    Hi all. I have a custom module in which I included a js file (customjs.js) custom / modules / Cases / metadata / editviewdefs.php, I have created the installation package for the module loader, but I have a problem, since there is another module custom…
  • Extending View JavaScript in Sugar 7

    This article is aimed at beginning to intermediate SugarCRM developers who want to customize views in SugarCRM version 7. This does not go into detail about all the ins and out of creating custom views, changing metadata and handlebars, etc. This article…
  • SugarCRM Cookbook - So you wanna override an endpoint

    Post originally written by sugarraagaard. 1. Introduction So you have yourself in a bit of a bind, you need to get an existing API to do something different. Maybe you need more information on an Account record, or perhaps your custom module needs some…
  • How to fix TLS issue

    Hi Community, I have a custom php script file which is in custom directory (xyz.sugaropencloud.eu/custom/show_data.php). In that php script file I coded to fetch data from some db tables and show on browser page. When I executed that php script url from…
  • How to Remove Sub panel Create And Select Button ? 

    Hi All, i want to remove sub-panel create buuton and select link remove from parent Module Account and Sub panel module Is case.
  • Dependencies to define a field required according specific

    Hello Developers, I'm working on sugarCRM 8.3. I need to write dependencies on custom field, where field is required or visible for specific role. I tried using JS but it is working only on web not in mobile.
  • auto increment integer field

    Hi, I use sugar 7.6 pro and I want a custom integer field id_autoincrement in the task module which is autoincremented every time that I create a new task. If I create a task and the last created id is 10 the new one will be 11 for example. I find a lot…
  • How to create a Workflow Custom Action in 7.7

    I'm a new developper of a SugarCRM 7.7 application. It's now a very big application and we can't upgrade for the moment. I saw that there was a best practise to do it in SugarCRM 7.8. Howerver, I've not found any docmentation and anybody in the same case…
  • Scheduler job doesn't execute my php changes

    Hi, I work with sugar pro 7.6 and I want to execute a custom job which checks the status of the contracts and does something. I correctly setup my batch file (following the documentation instructions) for the execution of the scheduled job and the file…
  • Add a custom button to Quotes record view

    Hi, I have a Sugarcrm 7.6 pro installation and I want to add a custom button to the Quotes record views and I found this guide in the documentation https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_7.6/UI_Model/Views/Examples…