• Why Crons doesn't run?

    Hello everyone! Someone knows why all my crons doens't runs automatically? None cron register activity, althougt is configured with an execution minimun interval. I added this line: $sugar_config['cron']['min_cron_interval'] = 0; on my config_override…
  • How to run crons from code

    Hello everyone! Someone knows if is possible run the crons from code? My case: I have a job that executes all days to respective hour, this job create a specific file with data of some module; but sometime the user could add wrong data to some records…
  • Allow for multiple CRONS

    You would be amazed at the number of issues people have with the single cron. In my main instance we have over 200 scheduled jobs. They are a mix of standard, critical and huge jobs. Some are just plain critical like Inbound EMail and some run a long…
  • Move files with a custom scheduler job

    Hello Everyone, I have a script that transfers data from csv files to sugarcrm. Everything works properly except that I want to move the files after being successfully processed from folder "Queue" to folder "Processed". function move_file_to_proccessed…
  • Setting up Cron Jobs

    I am trying to run Scheduled jobs on a local instance of Sugar. I have my local instance of Sugar running in a vagrant virtualbox. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to set up the cron on a virtualbox? Thanks!
  • Not able to run scheduled job from sugarcrm scheduler.

    Not able to run scheduled job from sugarcrm scheduler. sugarcrm on premise 7.7 I am able to run job using php.exe -f cron.php command. Please help. Its very urgent
  • Schedule report not received and found error log

    Have scheduled a report but i am not getting mail and attachment, when checked logs found below error, can someone help to resolve this. Below error is found in cron.php file when I logged errors. PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method Report::getFieldValue…
  • scheduler Problem - Last successful never

    Hi, scheduler not working .. scheduler job Log is done every minutes .. But Last Successful Run: Never ?? Tevfik Tümer
  • Setup CRON job where I can use SugarCRM framework

    Hello, I need to create a script that runs every day, grabs emails from inbox, parses these, and if it finds the info needed, duplicates some entries in SugarCRM, sets some fields etc. I need to use the SugarCRM framework, code like: $account = new Account…