Can you please provide example code to use a parser to update the related_fields? It's a lot of work to update N instances of SugarCRM where one has to download the record.php for Quotes, create a custom version, and upload it via module loader.
any potential pitfalls when customizing the emails module. I saw it's not available inside studio. Any other limitations with out-of-the-box features like adv. Workflow?
Answer: Can you provide some more details on what you're planning to customize?
Some general advice: The record view and list view are now in Sidecar, so they can be customized the same as any other view. However, there are some caveats:
The recipients fields (to/cc/bcc), which are collection fields, shouldn't be added to the list view due to performance issues.
The OOTB fields (from/to/cc/bcc/email body etc) shouldn't be removed from the record view because they are required in order for the email to be sent.
Steven Parsley presented a session on UnCon on the Do's and Don'ts for Using Email APIs. You can get the slides here.
Will there be a migration path for the next OP release for Elasticsearch? Until now, there was always a release which supported both the old and the new version (e.g. 7.8 with ES 1.4.4 and 1.7.5)
The upgrade to Elasticseach5.4 has breaking changes. Mappings in ES5.4 are different than ES1.7.5; therefore, we could not support both versions of Elasticsearch for the Sugar 7.10 release and that is also the case with the next OP release.
We are working on documenting the upgrade path for OP customers.
Is there anything being done to fix needing to add to Quotes/record/record.php for related_products?
Currently, the only way to add fields to quotes now is to include them in the related_fields array in record.php. We're exploring possibilities to make this better in the future.