• SugarCRM Ent Version 8.0.0 to 9.X Upgrade

    Hi Everyone, We are using SugarCRM Enterprise version 8.0.0 and we have to upgrade this to 9.X but we found that there are no upgrade packages available from 8.0.0 to 9.X. Does anyone have idea about 8.0.0 to 9.X upgrade packages to proceed with the upgradation…
  • Prevent deletion of some products

    Hello i want to disable delete or prevent them from deleting certain products in some module when user clicks delete button. Is there any experts who knows this ? Thanks in advance any help would be appreciated. found a sample code trying to put it together…
  • Adding user input into Edited field

    I want to add an edit function if user decides to change the field value but i cant seem to find the right way to do this. Ive tried searching through google but it doesn't give any answer related for this problem. code here: <?php class CloseTicket …
  • Add download pdf button in popup view

    Is it possible to add a custom button that downloads pdf ? ive tried doing it but i only get create button from this example: Link here 'searchInputs' => array ( 1 => 'payment_date' , 2 => 'payment_stage' , 3 => 'or_no' , ) , 'create' => array ( 'formBase…
  • My custom pdf not working in sugarcrm 8

    Ive been trying to generate an example pdf file in sugarcrm using the example code in the documentation in this link and tried accessing it through this url: http://sugarpro8.local.com /index.php?module=Meetings&action=sugarpdf&sugarpdf=clientpdf here…
  • Copy Quote is not working

    Hi EveryOne, I have created record.js to hide pdf templates based on condition and allowing users to edit the quote based on user type. This functionality is working but copy quote functionality is not working now( not able to copy the record). Does anyone…
  • Process Definition is not working with assigned user and change field actions

    Hi All, I am trying to create one process definition with actions assigned user( to assign one user) and change field ( to update team) based on condition which I mentioned in start for newly created records. But when I enable that process definition…
  • Not able to create reports, related module fields are not displaying

    Hi Everyone, I am trying to create reports using reports module in sugarcrm 8.0.1 version but after selecting the module related module fields are not displaying and not able to copy the existing reports also. Does anyone have idea on this?