• Problem with SMTP password encryption. Openssl version problem.

    Hi everyone. We are having problems in my company to deploy our sugar applications in a new VM environment. The thing is that sugar use the openssl_encrypt with the algo "bf-ecb". But blowfish has been deprecated by openssl in version 3.0.1. We…
  • Microsoft Exchange - 2FA Auth for SMTP Settings

    Hi everyone. We are having issues with SugarCRM requiring basic auth in the System Email settings. Our IT team will not let us use basic auth for Exchange and are asking us to see what sugar can do. The error we're getting is: Wed May 3 12:35:18 2023…
  • Send Mail in a job

    Hi, I work with SugarCRM pro 7.6 and I want to send a mail in one of my scheduled jobs. I have tried to search a full example which explains how to send a mail in PHP but i can't find it. I try the solutions in this post: https://community.sugarcrm.com…