• Disable Email notifications for Contacts and Leads in SugarCRM

    Hello, We are heavily using Calendar and Meeting function in SugarCRM - whereas we want to add Guests to our meetings, users do not want their guest receiving meeting reminders and notifications from Sugar - is there a way to disable email notifications…
  • How to show meetings in every Invitee related Accounts Subpanel

    Hi everyone, We would like to implement that all meetings are also displayed in the subpanel of the accounts that are behind a participant. In the Meetings module, multiple participants can be added to a meeting. However, the meeting should not only…
  • Show *all* meetings on contact record page: direct or indirect

    Hello Sugar lovers, 3 of our B2B customers have recently asked for a particular improvement in the way meetings are managed: they need more visibility on meetings per accounts . They need to see all meetings and also report on them: counts per months…
  • Add a Quarterly and Semi-Annual "Repeat Type" to calls and meetings?

    I would like to know if I can customize repeat_type and add new options like Quarterly and Semi-Annual. Thank you.
  • How to filter the invitees on the meeting / calls modules?

    On the Meetings / Calls module. There is the ability to invite guests. The field is of type participants. If the Related To: is set to Accounts and an Account is select, how can we set the intialFilter for the guests. I have tried to add an initialFilter…
  • How to add a requirement for Calls and Meetings Guests list to include at least one Contacts

    Our Sales Director is wanting to ensure that the Sales team members always add the contact(s) they talked with during a recorded Call or Meeting. If a Call or Meeting is created from the Accounts Module the Assigned User is auto-assigned as one of the…
  • Move the Guests field of the Meetings module to another location on the Mobile App?

    I have a client who wants the Guests field to be moved to the top of the Detail and Edit views of the Meetings module on the Mobile App. The field is not displayed in Studio for the Mobile Layouts nor is it in the clients/mobile/views/detail.php or clients…
  • Can you gather information from a Meeting and place it into an Advanced Report?

    Hi guys, I have a question...is there anyway to create an Advanced Report for information logged into a meeting for instance? I am trying to create a Custom Query to select the data entered into a meeting but I can't seem to gather the information to…
  • Best way to relate a Campaign with Activities

    Hi, what do you think is the best way to relate Campaigns with Activities: Meetings, Calls and Tasks? Via Studio you can't select a one to many relationship between Campaigns and Meetings (to have a Meetings Subpanel in a Campaign's detail view). Thanks…
  • Is there a way to add a Quarterly and Semi-Annual "Repeat Type" to calls and meetings?

    Some of my users like to check in with prospects on a quarterly or semi-annual basis. How could I add these intervals to the "Repeat Type" dialog in the call and meeting activities?
  • Set the default duration for Calls and Meetings?

    With calls and meetings now upgraded to Sidecar, the duration fields no longer appear in the Studio. How can we change the default duration from 30 minutes to 1 hour? I created a custom create.js and followed the whole creation process in debugger, but…