Disable Email notifications for Contacts and Leads in SugarCRM


We are heavily using Calendar and Meeting function in SugarCRM - whereas we want to add Guests to our meetings, users do not want their guest receiving meeting reminders and notifications from Sugar - is there a way to disable email notifications to Leads and Contacts?



  • When creating a Meeting and/or Call. Turn off the Email Reminder.

    There is a Scheduler that sends out email reminders. You can also disable the scheduler. 

  • Hi  

    The notification to a contact invite is sent even after meeting has been created, and the Invitation Body has been updated - do you know how to disable that?

    Is there an admin set up option where I can disable all meeting-related notifications?

  • 1st you can reset the send_invites flag for meetings and calls in a before_save logic hook. The bean itself sends the invite emails when the send_invites field is set.

    2nd the email reminders are sent in the EmailReminder class (modules\Activities\EmailReminder.php) which is called by the standard scheduler job "send reminders". To inactivate the reminders you could write a custom scheduler from the standard code.

  • Hi  ,

    Are your users updating the meeting in the web UI or somewhere else (e.g. Outlook, their calendar, etc.)? If they are updating directly in Sugar, I believe the only way it should send out an invitation on creation or update is if they use the 'Save and Send Invites' option instead of 'Save':

    If they aren't using 'Save and Send Invites', you will want to check either for a customization or confirm how those users are updating meetings.

    There is no admin configuration to explicitly disable all meeting-related notifications. 
