• HTTP: 500 Internal Server Error Invalid subscription json data

    Dear Team, I have Upgraded our sugar CRM 11.0.6 to 12.0.3 & we are Getting CRM after login screen ( HTTP: 500 Internal Server Error Invalid subscription json data ) Please help what can i do for this issue
  • JSON as part of an update [PUT] API call

    Can someone tell me why setting a value to NULL leaves it unchanged? Is it t.rue for all fields. Has it always been true, this is some old code I am working on and I am sure it used to work ---Chat between me and one of our devs-- Notice the finalized_on…
  • SugarCRM 8.0.1 not recognizing increase in limit of total fields in Elasticsearch 5.6.9 index

    In SugarCRM 8.0.1, I am trying to schedule a full system index, but I am running into the following error in the SugarCRM error log: [FATAL] Elasticsearch request failure: Limit of total fields [1000] in index [my_index] has been exceeded I am connected…