• how do I get curren contacts module record.js for upgrade version 9.0.1 to 9.0.6 ?

    [2024-07-09T07:07:03+00:00] INFO => F: [Issue 110][red][useOfAppViewInvokeParent][562][useOfAppViewInvokeParent] Use of removed Sidecar app.view.invokeParent method in custom/modules/Accounts/clients/base/views/recordlist/recordlist.js ({ extendsFrom…
  • For API customization in SugarCRM

    Dear All, I want to customized Some input received in Sugar by Default API . How can I customized if ? And Also share the path of default API in SugarCRM used. For Example :- I have share a case crate API with portal user and I received regularly in…
  • tinemce sugarcrm not able to get html editable field value

    0 i have configured tinymce in sugarcrm by following docs https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_12.0/Architecture/TinyMCE/ in record.php array ( 'readonly' => false , 'name' => 'internal_notes…
  • Dashboard Order Moving on its own

    The Dashboard order on Universal Dashboard and Record View Dashlets are moving back to its original position. We tried to change the dashlet position with the help of drag and drop option it got saved and whenever we came back it does not persist its…
  • making a request on Sugar Portal

    I'm trying to make a request from sugar portal from a custom field controller to retrieve a record of Od_One_Drive module but it throws me an status 404, I check it out and it does exist, I change permissions of this module but it's the same, do I have…