• Sugar Latest Version ENT V13 Clarifications

    1. New Module Deployment : In Sugar V13 ENT default fields, such as the 'Name' field, are not listed Studio ->Layouts -> Record View/List View sections. For example, we would like to display the 'Name' field somewhere other than the top of the screen…
  • How to Create custom View In Sugarcrm 9.x EP. ?

    Hi All , I want To create custom View action page like own design and insert Code. within the module like leads.
  • What table can show me a relate field?

    Hi people. I wanna update some registers with a bad id in a relate field, the problem is, where (what table) can I see this relation on BD? for example, I have a relate field between Products and Sellers, in the field Product->Seller, I have the id of…
  • Creating custom fields based on selection of fields i need to get result and total result in another custom fields in sugarcrm 7

    Hello Frieds I want to create a Three Radio box with lable on top, then i want one text box (Salary). When their check from Four Radio box based on that i need to display the value on text box (Salary). Example: How much experience you have? 1 Year -…
  • How to embed javascript in a Sugar Enterprise module?

    Hello. I'm developing on a Sugar Enterprise On-Demand instance. I must do some client-side validation using jquery 'maskedinput' plugin on a field. I already know how to do it in Sugar Community and SuiteCRM, but for Enterprise most people say…