• Grant access to certain portions of administation

    We have certain users we would like to grant access to a certain admin portion. We would like to grant them access to User Management Role Management Schedulers Thoughts on how to limit our production environment?
  • Grant access to Schedulers via Role or ACL?

    We would like to grant a user access to Schedulers without granting them access to All of the administration. Thoughts? This doesn't seem to work. (function (app) { app.events.on("app:sync:complete", function () { if (app.user.get('type') != 'admin…
  • How to leverage MySQL Views as a module?

    We have a subset of data that is summarized as a view. We would like to have a Module view this data. Overall this works fine except when we perform a QRR. Sugar things that there is an issue with the table. It's a view. Thoughts on how to have Sugar…
  • Publish/Subscribe Events with Sugar?

    We are working on an event-driven architecture that leverages Publish/Subscribe. Is there any method to customize Sugar to be a subscriber to events? If so, how do you configure Sugar? If not, what is the best method to create a PHP-based subscriber…