• show hide field when picklist value

    Hi, Our customer has a picklist field "type_c" on account with value "company" and "person". A field "companyid_c" is visible when the value "company" is selected, otherwise this field is hidden. They want me to change the functionality to: Always…
  • Continuation line within Dependency php file

    I have a Dependency file using SetOptions to present a DD List. The reason I am using a Dependency file is there is more than one conditions involved so my understanding is I can't build a Dependent Dropdown list within Studio as that only allows one…
  • In the release notes for Sugar 11; the function isInList has been updated to work with mulitselect fields; Is there an examples of how to properly make this call?

    In the release notes for Sugar 11, https://support.sugarcrm.com/Knowledge_Base/Installation_Upgrade/What_to_Expect_When_Upgrading_to_11.0/ . It states Sugar Logic Passing a mulitselect field as a second parameter in the isInList() formula does…
  • Change DropDown list dynamically in Dropdown Field When we have parent Dropdown selected.

    Hello, What i am trying to achive is that i have a dropdown field named subtype which is dependent on parent dropdown type_2 (Dropdown field name). I am trying to setup subtype dropdown list dynamically using dependency. But i am getting an issue…
  • Dependency to make field read-only after add relationships from the subpanel

    I want to make the field read-only after add relationships from the subpanel. From the subpanel, I am pulling one field value from a related module and save in the parent module filed. Then I want to make the parent module filed read-only. And want…
  • List View - Record Preview - vardef field dependency

    Hi all, I have two fields defined in my vardef.php for a module. They have a dependency rule, so that they are not shown in the Record View if the rule does not apply. However when I'm at the List View and click on "Preview" the data of the fields are…
  • Calculation formulas broken after git pull

    Hi all, I've been developing a set of formulas for a client. After some testing on my localhost I've committed everything to our repository and pulled it over to the user testing instance. The pull works fine, the permissions are OK. Then, as you would…
  • Hide Panels in record View in 7.6 using Dependancies?

    Following various posts here I am trying to conditionally Show/Hide some panels on a record view using dependencies. I have tried the following but clearly have a problem as it is not working. IF someone can point out the error of my ways I would really…