I would like to show on the record dashboard all open tasks belonging to the open account record. I tried it with the Report Wizard but I couldn't find something.
I'm sure it's possible and hopefully someone here knows how to do it.
Thanks a…
I am trying to add a new dashlet to the Account Record Dashboard. I noticed that if I add an account-related dashlet to Account A, the same dashlet will appear on dashlet B.
Is there any way around this?
Hi everyone.
I want to just check if this is a bug or not. I have created a "Admin" role which has Admin and Deveolper access to all modules. However this user when going into "Manage Dashboards" cannot edit a dashboard that isn't theirs meaning they…
For particular users, we would like to make the Home Dashboard the same dashboard every time they go Home, regardless of what they were looking at last. Do you experienced SugarCRM developers have ideas of how to accomplish that?
Thanks for the help…