• Issue with currency formatting SugarCRM & Doc Merge

    Hi, we have an issue with formatting currency into proper formate. In our country the currency symbol should be behind the value not before (e.g. $2,000,32 => 2 000,32 Kč). Also the decimal and thousand separators are different for both countries…
  • How to decrease the amount of significant digits/zeroes after a decimal? Cloud

    Clients have asked for there not to be 8 digits after every decimal for currencies. I saw that a solution would be to edit the $sugar_config How do i make this change happen on a cloud instance of sugar? I believe i need to resort to the default of 2…
  • Currency fields not changing all in same record

    I have a module (Accounts) that I need to set different kind of currency amounts Each amount can be on one local currency, or USD Normal Sugar behaviour is that when you change the type of currency in one field, all currency fields change to that currency…
  • Showing converted currency value in record view

    Hi On our opportunities page, for one field, we have the base currency and a non base currency. For some fields, it shows the opportunity's currency in a grey box and the value converted into the system's base currency. However I cannot see in the studio…