Showing converted currency value in record view


On our opportunities page, for one field, we have the base currency and a non base currency. For some fields, it shows the opportunity's currency in a grey box and the value converted into the system's base currency.

However I cannot see in the studio how to enable this conversion; I have added a new field called Test Value as a currency type, but it does not show the converted field.

<div class="record-label" data-name="amount">
<span class="normal index" data-fieldname="amount" data-index="">
    <span sfuuid="41" class="detail" tabindex="-1">
        <div class="currency-field">
            <label class="original">€1,000.00</label>
            <div class="converted">£847.46</div>

The closest thing I can find is in


<div class="currency-field"{{#if dir}} dir="{{dir}}"{{/if}}>
{{#if transactionValue}}
    <label class="original">{{transactionValue}}</label><div class="converted">{{value}}</div>

which contains the template to show this conversion, but I don't know how to enable this for other fields.

  • If your custum currency field has the name 'test_value_c', you can find the field definition in the directory:


    If you add the following lines:


    after a QuickRepair & Rebuild you can see the converted value, too.

  • I managed to get the converted field showing by adding these lines to the test_value_c array in


    'convertToBase' => true,
    'showTransactionalAmount' => true,

    Which is the 'proper' way to do this, or are both methods valid?

  • The change in record.php only works for the RecordView, not e.g. for the SubpanelView, see below test2_currency.