• Sugar Formular issue

    Hi Everyone. I am trying to create a calculated field and it is giving me an issue can you guys see any issue. I have the formular in english and the one in code under. I keep getting a parentheses issue Formular Unit Cost (CAD) x ( 1 / ( standardwidth…
  • How to load a relate field into another field

    Hi Everyone, We currently have a relate field and would like to have the value selected in this field appear in another field on the same module. To my knowledge, it is not possible via studio and a calculated field. Has anyone had any luck loading…
  • Is there a Maximum number of characters allowed in a URL calculated field?

    Hello, I'm creating a url that uses tokens to send a bunch of information to a separate website to run some calculations. In all I am pushing over 13 fields worth of data. At about the 6 field point Sugar is no longer writing the fields or the token…
  • Calculating Revenue Line Item Likely Field Based On Other Field Values

    I was wondering if you can point me in the right direction for what I’m trying to do here… When a Revenue Line Item (RLI) record is created (either during Opportunity creation or otherwise), we want to set the RLI Likely field to a value equal to the…
  • How to exclude customer groups in a calculated field?

    Hello, I'm new to SugarCRM and its developing tools. I've built a calculated field in the opportunities module ( sugar 8.0 Professional) and it works fine. ifElse(greaterThan($amount,10000),divide($amount,3),0) --> installment payments should be divided…