• Best practice to send draft emails by scheduler

    Dear community, I am working with V13.0.0 and I have the following business case: A custom module "Claim". This module is related to the Cases module (1:N). There can be several claims of different or the same type under the case. Each claim can be…
  • BeanFactory::getBean not returning existing record in SugarCRM custom code

    I have a SugarCRM integration. It has the following line in the code $beanToSync = BeanFactory::getBean($moduleToCheck, $beanToSync->id); In $moduleToCheck the module 'Leads' is passed and $beanToSync->id have an ID of an existing Lead in SUgarCRM…
  • Calculated Fields not updating on $bean->save()

    Hi all. I've been racking my brain on this one now, I tried $bean->updateCalculatedFields(); but it's not working. Currently I am filling in missing records, so I am creating: Lead -> Contact/Account -> Opportunity -> Meeting, they all have a "unique…
  • Using SugarBeanApiHelper with relationships

    Can someone offer advice our point me to some documentation Im trying to retrieve a contact and there related account details, I dont want to retreive everything as I only need selected fields and also want to reduce overheads. I can get this doing an…
  • Module Relationships load_relationship()

    Hi all, been busy learning lots about sugar and made masses of progress with moving from Salesforce to sugar CRM but just hit another snag and wanted to check if my login or understanding was correct. We have two custom modules Holokote (holo_holokote…
  • BeanFactory script aborts while executing

    Hi, Iam a newbie at customized Sugarcrm scripts and I would appreciate any help. The script should create a course (training) for every product (Artikel) in a array. A course has relationships with a student (cursist), a product (Artikel) and a company…
  • Cannot add related Account and Contact to a Case record on a custom API endpoint

    I have a working custom REST API endpoint in Sugar 7.8 and I even created Note records to test that it works. This endpoint does not require authentication but sets the global $current_user to the system user in order to allow the use of BeanFactory.…
  • Update bean via BeanFactory not save in change log. How do I keep in log (audit)?

    Hi all, $bean = BeanFactory::retrieveBean('Cases', $caseid, array('disable_row_level_security' => true)); $bean->status = $previousCaseStatus; $bean->save(); I created custom EntryPoint. I using BeanFactory to update record like code above but my sugar…
  • How to get data via BeanFactory in custom file ?

    I try to use BeanFactory to get data in Case module but nothing return. $bean = BeanFactory::getBean('Cases'); $bean->retrieve('id'); $name = $bean->name; echo $name; Ref: http://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_7…