BeanFactory script aborts while executing

Hi, Iam a newbie at customized Sugarcrm scripts and I would appreciate any help. The script should create a course (training) for every product (Artikel) in a array. A course has relationships with a student (cursist), a product (Artikel) and a company (accounts). The first training is created successfully with the correct relationships, the second training is created but the script aborts before any relationship is established and the rest of the courses are not created. There is one log error (on log level warn) 

preprocess_fields_on_save() is deprecated

but this message is not making any sense to me.

The php script:

$cursist = new TROLC_CursistenOLC();

$pakket = new Trpa1_Pakketten();

if($pakket->id == "") {
    die('Geen pakket gevonden');

$bedrijfsnaam = "";
if ($cursist->parent_type == "Accounts" and $cursist->parent_id != "") {
     $account = new Account();
     $bedrijfsnaam = $account->name;
     $bedrijfsid = $account->id;

$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$sql1 = "SELECT, FROM trolc_artikelenolc AS a
        JOIN trpa1_pakketten_trolc_artikelenolc_c AS b ON = b.trpa1_pakketten_trolc_artikelenolctrolc_artikelenolc_idb
        WHERE b.trpa1_pakketten_trolc_artikelenolctrpa1_pakketten_ida = '" . $pakket->id . "'";
$result1 = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql1);

$artikelen = array();
$artikelen_id = array();
    while($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($result1)) {
        $artikelen[] = $row['name'];
        $artikelen_id[] = $row['id'];

$sql2 = "SELECT, FROM accounts AS a
        JOIN accounts_trolc_cursistenolc_1_c AS b ON = b.accounts_trolc_cursistenolc_1accounts_ida
        WHERE b.accounts_trolc_cursistenolc_1trolc_cursistenolc_idb = '" . $cursist->id . "' ORDER BY 'id' ASC";
$result2 = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql2);

if ($result2->num_rows > 0) {
    while($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($result2)) {
            $bedrijfsnaam = $row['name'];
            $bedrijfsid = $row['id'];
else {
    echo "<script> alert('Geen bedrijf gekoppeld');</script>";

$telefoon = $cursist->phone_mobile;
if($telefoon == "") {
    $telefoon = $cursist->phone_home;
$art_aantal = count($artikelen_id);

for($art = 0; $art < $art_aantal; $art++) {  
    echo "Training " . $art . " " . $artikelen[$art] . "<br>";
$training = new TROLC_TrainingenOLC();
$training = BeanFactory::newBean('TROLC_TrainingenOLC');
$training->start_date = date("d-m-Y");
$training->date_entered = date("d-m-Y");
$training->status = "optie";
$training->contactbedrijfsnaam = $bedrijfsnaam;
$training->contactaanhef = $cursist->salutation;
$training->contactachternaam = $cursist->last_name;
$training->contactadres = $cursist->primary_address_street;
$training->contactemail = $cursist->email1;
$training->contactpostcode = $cursist->primary_address_postalcode;
$training->contacttelefoon = $telefoon;
$training->contactvoornaam = $cursist->first_name;
$training->contactwoonplaats = $cursist->primary_address_city;
$training->geboortedatum = $cursist->birthdate;
$training->geboorteplaats = $cursist->geboorteplaats;
$training->voorcontactaccount = $bedrijfsnaam;
$training->voorcontactcontact = $cursist->first_name . " " . $contact->last_name;
$record[$art] = $training->id;
    echo "Training " . $art . " set data<br>";

$training_cur = BeanFactory::getBean('TROLC_CursistenOLC', $cursist->id);
    echo "Training " . $art . " relationship cursisten established<br>";

$training_art = BeanFactory::getBean('TROLC_ArtikelenOLC', $artikelen_id[$art]);
    echo "Training " . $art . " relationship Artikelen established<br>";

$training_acc = BeanFactory::getBean('Accounts', $bedrijfsid);
    echo "Training " . $art . " relationship Accounts established<br><br>";

Would love to get some feedback. Thanks!

  • What version of Sugar are you working with?


  • You might be running into a situation where you are trying to create a duplicate, and therefore the 



    Check your PHP log, it may give you some indication of why the script is failing.

    It could be that one of your


    assignments is not actually retrieving a bean, and therefore the next statement will fail 

    For example

    $training_cur = BeanFactory::getBean('TROLC_CursistenOLC', $cursist->id);

    if $training_cur is not set by the getBean then the load_relationship will fail as being applied on a Non-Object.

    If that's the case, your PHP log should help.

    I hope this gives you some debugging ideas,


  • Hi Francesca,

    Thanks for your help. I didn't found any php error and the sugar logs weren't any helpful but I've found the solution:

    I have removed save() for $training_cur, $training_art & $training_acc and the script is fully functioning. All the relationships are established and the error "preprocess_fields_on_save() is deprecated" is gone. Guess it's not necessary to save after establishing a relationship(?)

  • You are correct, the add relationship does the saving for you. Glad you found a solution.
