• How to set a filter in Meetings Add Invitee / Participants "Show More" Script?

    Hello everyone, I am slowly but surely despairing of a relatively simple requirement: In the Meetings module, I would like to trigger the function for adding a participant. The meeting is already connected to a parent account and when I use the “Show…
  • How to show meetings in every Invitee related Accounts Subpanel

    Hi everyone, We would like to implement that all meetings are also displayed in the subpanel of the accounts that are behind a participant. In the Meetings module, multiple participants can be added to a meeting. However, the meeting should not only…
  • How to filter the invitees on the meeting / calls modules?

    On the Meetings / Calls module. There is the ability to invite guests. The field is of type participants. If the Related To: is set to Accounts and an Account is select, how can we set the intialFilter for the guests. I have tried to add an initialFilter…