Not able to run scheduled job from sugarcrm scheduler.

Not able to run scheduled job from sugarcrm scheduler. sugarcrm on premise 7.7

I am able to run job using php.exe -f cron.php command.

Please help.

Its very urgent

Parents Reply Children
  • Create in the root of your crm instance the file cront_install.bat with the following content:

    @echo off
    echo cd "%CD%" > cron.bat
    echo php.exe -f cron.php >> cron.bat
    schtasks /create /sc minute /tn "Sugar CRM" /tr "%CD%\cron.bat"

    Then execute it.

    It will add into Windows Scheduler a scheduler for your SugarCRM instance which will run every minute.

    Kind regard

    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada