Email template for the CASE module - How to use Account or Contact variables ?


I was wondering if one of you already customize the variable replacement to extend the behavior.

My problem is the following : you can, through the EMAIL TEMPLATE module, create a template and add several variables, including :

  • Contact's variable : $contact_
  • Account's varable : $account_
  • Case's variable : $case_

The problem is that, depending on the module you use the feature, the substitution wont be done for "other module" variables.

In my scenario, when you use a custom template to answer to the customer of my case, you can use ALL cases variable but unfortunately none of the linked Account record neither the main Contact record.

Or course we can duplicate fields on the case but this solution is not really reliable (we are not going to duplicate any fields of the account and the contact).

So, before go ahead with our custom dev, I want to see if one of you solve this and maybe share the way you did it.



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  • Hello  ,

    Yes those options exist but if you add some Contact/Lead/Target to a template that will be use from a case to write an email, those variable won't be replaced. Only the case's one will be.

    So for instance, you want to create a template email for your support team, to provide a quick answer to a well known case.

    There is no easy way to create an email template that will says:

    Dear $main_contact_salutation $main_contact_name,

    We received your demande $case_name ($case_number) and here is our suggestion : xxxxx

    Of course we find where we could update the core code of Sugar to update the variable replacement process but I was hoping that they will be another solution (or maybe someone that could explains me how to use the email template module to do it).
