Custom Action Button

I'm trying to create a new Action button for Leads that relates to calls; specifically Left Voicemail.  The name of the button is left voicemail.  The date_start field (datetime) is a required field.  When I add the action to calculate the start using the function to timestamp I keep getting the following error message:


Question 2, I want this to be a separate button to the left of Log Activity and it's not working either.  it shows int he Log Activity Dropdown

Something is not connecting for me to finish this button creation..

Thank you.

Parents Reply Children
  • Thank you, the now function worked on my start field.

    It still isn't showing up as a separate button, any other thoughts?

    It shows up in the button for Log Activity.

    Another question, I thought the assigned to would automatically default to the individual creating the action; however, it didn't.  Do you have recommendation for assigned user to be completed? 

    Mary Clouse

    USPack Logistics