How to empty dropdown option and add new option

Hi Community,

I have a drodown my name location.

How to empty location dropdown option and add new option with Option value as 'AC' and text as 'Please Select Location' while creation of Accounts.

Thanks in advance


Sam Roy Ramana Raju Santhana

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  • But all your dispose function does is:

    1) Overrides the parent dispose method on that class so that instead of the parent function getting called, this will get called instead

    2) Calls is the parent dispose function for that class

    If you hadn't overriden the parent class, the parent dispose function will be called anyway, so you've added the overhead of a function with no real benefit.

    If you want to test this out, put a breakpoint in the dispose function for CreateActionsView (or its parent - I'm on 7.7, so it has been deprecated). You'll see that whether your code is there or not (or it'll get called on CreateActionsView's parent).