I was asked to create a report of all our SugarCRM reports and the number of times they have been accessed. Is this data even available with the Tracker module?

We user SugarCRM Sell hosted in the cloud.

When I perform a custom query like this:

select *

from tracker t

where action = 'detailView' and module_name = 'Reports'

order by date_modified desc

The data exported just seems to be the date_modified field being updated every time the report is open.

(due to the confidential nature of the data, I can't share a screenshot).

I guess a few questions. For the action column, am I looking at the right value 'detailView'?

And if I am looking at the data in the right way, would it be possible to update the Tracker module to have a count column that is incremented every time a detailView action happens?

We would like this information to know which reports are most accessed and how many times they are being access by our users.

Any information would be greatly appreciated!

All the best,


  • Hi  ,

    Yes, 'detailview' is the action that is recorded when a user accesses the report directly in the Reports module. 

    The Tracker module is not one that can be easily customized, and I'm not sure it is a good solve for your use case even if you did customize it. 

    Tracker isn't necessarily a good representation of how popular a given report is because it doesn't account for various ways users can access a report. Users can have reports scheduled to send to them on a regular basis via email, or they may have reports added as dashlets on their favorite dashboards. The Tracker module has no ability to track either of those scenarios. 

    The best way to gauge popularity of a report may be to delete the report, and then measure how many people come screaming. Sweat smile


  •  thank you for the quick reply. Much appreciated!

    Hmmmmmm, so in other words, SugarCRM just can't provide the data of how many times a report is accessed either directly or indirectly in an easy manner???

    I appreciate the humor. You are right! That's definitely one way to go about figuring it out. Haha.


  • Hi  ,

    Sugar has the framework for tracking how often particular records (Reports or any other module) are accessed, but the solution would require customization to achieve. We have the expertise to build these types of customizations. If you are interested in going that route, I encourage you to contact us through our website to receive a quote. 
