ProductCatalog API

I am not able to find the Rest API endpoint for the Product catalog.

Please help me with this.

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  •  ,

    the best way to check which APIs are being triggered is to use Sugar UI itself.

    You can open your Developer Console, navigate to the screen you want, and see which API endpoint Sugar is triggering in the Network tab.

    SugarCRM | Principal Developer Advocate

  • Ok Thank You.

    Does sugar have the pricebook related to the products?

  • Sugar OOTB has no pricebooks included, only prices as fields in the ProductTemplates records like

    and a field for the price calculation like
    Pricebooks must be handled by additional (CPQ) packages.
  • GET {{url}}rest/v10/ProductTemplates - read all products

    POST {{url}}rest/v10/ProductTemplates with JSON payload - create product

    PUT {{url}}rest/v10/ProductTemplates/{{product}} with JSON payload - update product

    GET {{url}}rest/v10/ProductTemplates/tree - read category tree

    POST {{url}}rest/v10/ProductTemplates/tree - read category tree

    payload like this:

        "name""API product 1234",
        "description""Product created and updated by API calls from POSTMAN",
        "manufacturer_name""TekWare Inc.",
        "category_name""Tullos Widgets",
        "mft_part_num""API part no. 700001234",
        "vendor_part_num""API Vendor Part 1234",