Partial Error 404 when I delete the cache folder


Matt Marum Angel Magana

Clearing the cache folder to see reflected in my instance Sugar changes, Sugar returns a 404 error in the content of the page and main menu only shows "Name Module" instead of the name that should show, I have to give F5 other time to finish loading

Any idea why not finish loading the cache files and sends me the error?

When I track changes in cache folder, stop in "cache/" folder in ATTRIB class_map.php,  If I press f5 again, the process continues and finish ok.



The error in javascript console is: 

http://{SugarCRM Instance}/rest/v10/metadata?type_filter=currencies%2Cfull_module_list%2Cmodules_info%2Chidden_subpanels%2Cjssource%2Cjssource_public%2Cordered_labels%2Cmodule_tab_map%2Cmodules%2Crelationships%2Cserver_info%2Cconfig%2C_override_values%2Cfilters%2Clogo_url&module_filter=&platform=base 

500 (Internal Server Error)

If I try to call by Postman, the result is correct but when I delete de cache folder, the result is an error 500, php_errors, don't have nothing about the error.



Francesca Shiekh

Parents Reply Children
  • Mi panacea para los problemas de permisos es este:


    sudo chown -R  apache:apache *

    sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;

    sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;


    Si lo ejecutas desde root de sugar todos los archivos están 664 y todos los directorios 775. 


    También puedes comprobar los permisos en config.php para dir_mode y file_mode


      'default_permissions' =>

      array (

        'dir_mode' => 1528,

        'file_mode' => 432,

        'user' => 'apache',

        'group' => 'apache',



    perdona mi español,


  • Gracias Francesca Shiekh

    CC: Angel Magana

    Ya le aplique tu panacea y sigue con el mismo error.

    Creo que el problema puede estar en el class_map.php cuando borro el cache, el archivo class_map.php es el ultimo en modificarse de permisos, y queda en:

    'TeamSecurity' => 'data/visibility/TeamSecurity.php',
    'ACLVisibility' => 'data/visibility/ACLVisibility.php',
    'Connectors' => false,
    'CustomFields' => false,
    'ReportVisibility' => 'data/visibility/ReportVisibility.php',
    'TeamHierarchy' => false,
    'OwnerOrAdminVisibility' => 'data/visibility/OwnerOrAdminVisibility.php',
    'HomeViewSidecar' => false,
    'SugarACLEmailAddress' => 'data/acl/SugarACLEmailAddress.php',
    'SugarACLOpi' => 'data/acl/SugarACLOpi.php',
    'Zend_Http_Response' => 'vendor/Zend/Http/Response.php',
    'TrueExpression' => 'include/Expressions/Expression/Boolean/TrueExpression.php',
    'SugarFieldExpression' => 'include/Expressions/Expression/Generic/SugarFieldExpression.php',
    'StringLiteralExpression' => 'include/Expressions/Expression/String/StringLiteralExpression.php',
    'EqualExpression' => 'include/Expressions/Expression/Boolean/EqualExpression.php',
    'SugarRelationship' => 'data/Relationships/SugarRelationship.php',
    'M2MRelationship' => 'data/Relationships/M2MRelationship.php',
    'One2MRelationship' => 'data/Relationships/One2MRelationship.php',
    'One2MBeanRelationship' => 'data/Relationships/One2MBeanRelationship.php',
    'OwnerVisibility' => 'data/visibility/OwnerVisibility.php',
    'CustomSugarSearchEngineElasticIndexStrategySingle' => false,
    'SugarSearchEngineFactory' => 'include/SugarSearchEngine/SugarSearchEngineFactory.php',

    MArca el error 500 y vuelvo a actualizar con F5, y ahora el class_map tiene:

    'SugarRelationship' => 'data/Relationships/SugarRelationship.php',
    'M2MRelationship' => 'data/Relationships/M2MRelationship.php',
    'One2MRelationship' => 'data/Relationships/One2MRelationship.php',
    'One2MBeanRelationship' => 'data/Relationships/One2MBeanRelationship.php',
    'OwnerVisibility' => 'data/visibility/OwnerVisibility.php',
    'CustomSugarSearchEngineElasticIndexStrategySingle' => false,
    'SugarSearchEngineFactory' => 'include/SugarSearchEngine/SugarSearchEngineFactory.php',
    'SugarACLAdminOnly' => 'data/acl/SugarACLAdminOnly.php',
    'SugarACLDeveloperOrAdmin' => 'data/acl/SugarACLDeveloperOrAdmin.php',
    'SugarACLForecastWorksheets' => 'data/acl/SugarACLForecastWorksheets.php',
    'SugarACLParentModule' => 'data/acl/SugarACLParentModule.php',
    'SugarACLUsers' => 'data/acl/SugarACLUsers.php',
    'SugarACLDeveloperForAny' => 'data/acl/SugarACLDeveloperForAny.php',
    'SugarACLOAuthKeys' => 'data/acl/SugarACLOAuthKeys.php',
    'SugarACLOAuthTokens' => 'data/acl/SugarACLOAuthTokens.php',
    'SugarACLFilters' => 'data/acl/SugarACLFilters.php',
    'UserBasedRelationship' => 'data/Relationships/UserBasedRelationship.php',
    'EmailAddressRelationship' => 'data/Relationships/EmailAddressRelationship.php',

    Si ejecuto el servicio por postman con el folder cache vacio el error que devuelve es: 

    "error": "php_error_after_api",
    "error_message": "Su solicitud no pudo completarse. Ha ocurrido un error grave. Compruebe los registros de errores para más detalles."