User Module not available in SugarBPM / Process Definitions?


im really shocked 'cause it seems, that the user module is not available in SugarBPM. My idea was: Sending a Mail to the user where a specific field value is set or changed.

For example:

If the user field is "active" an email will be send to this user. How could that be possible without using the SugarBPM? Can I activate the module for process definitions?

Kind regards from Berlin

Martin Neitzke
IT Applications

  • Hi ,

    As far as I can tell with a quick look at the code, that module list consists of:

    • Studio-enabled modules
    • Modules that are not studio-enabled but have a vardef exception defined

    The Users module is in Studio, so I'm not certain why it fails the first check. I tried to enable it with the vardef exception, but that didn't work. I tested the exception with another module (BusinessCenters) and confirmed it worked there. For BusinessCenters, I created a PHP file in:


    The file had the following contents:

    $dictionary['BusinessCenter']['processes']['enabled'] = true;

    After a quick repair, the module showed in the list when creating a process definition. I followed the same method for Users, but it didn't work. I'm assuming there may be something unique (or hard-coded) preventing the Users module from showing in SugarBPM. 

    Maybe someone else has been successful or can pick up with what I've done to find a way to expose it for BPM definitions.


  • ,

    As you probably know by now, curiosity always gets the best of me, especially when the question is about something I've not "played" with yet. So I was exploring where processes is defined/blocked in the Users module and the only mention of it is in the is_admin field, which I assume is a field-level control:

            'is_admin' => array(
                'name' => 'is_admin',
                'vname' => 'LBL_IS_ADMIN',
                'type' => 'bool',
                'default' => '0',
                'studio' => array('listview' => false, 'searchview'=>false, 'related' => false),
                // Remove from SugarBPM
                // To add finer grain validation, you could do something like this
                // 'processes' => array(
                //    'isCurrentUserAdmin',
                // This would tell the field to be pushed through an additional validation
                // step when being fetched for relationships
                'processes' => false,
                'idm_mode_disabled' => true,
            ) ,    

    What surprised me though, give your test, is that it doesn't look like even BusinessCenters has a processes vardef (v12.0 Enterprise) defined other than within a field, which confuses me.
    So where would the 'processes' vardef be defined in the first place?


  • ,

    As you probably know by now, curiosity always gets the best of me, especially when the question is about something I've not "played" with yet. So I was exploring where processes is defined/blocked in the Users module and the only mention of it is in the is_admin field, which I assume is a field-level control:

            'is_admin' => array(
                'name' => 'is_admin',
                'vname' => 'LBL_IS_ADMIN',
                'type' => 'bool',
                'default' => '0',
                'studio' => array('listview' => false, 'searchview'=>false, 'related' => false),
                // Remove from SugarBPM
                // To add finer grain validation, you could do something like this
                // 'processes' => array(
                //    'isCurrentUserAdmin',
                // This would tell the field to be pushed through an additional validation
                // step when being fetched for relationships
                'processes' => false,
                'idm_mode_disabled' => true,
            ) ,    

    What surprised me though, give your test, is that it doesn't look like even BusinessCenters has a processes vardef (v12.0 Enterprise) defined other than within a field, which confuses me.
    So where would the 'processes' vardef be defined in the first place?

