lead import fails with "There is no action by that name"

When we import more than 200 leads from a single spreadsheet the import eventually fails with an odd message "There is no action by that name" in the view itself.

this morning, 278 of 285 imported before this error popped up.

I am not able to find what is causing the error.

The Text is defined in include/language/en_us.lang.php and corresponds to a LBL_NO_ACTION

which in turn is used in 





Does this message have anything to do with the import process, or is the import timing out somehow and the message appearis because the the list view cannot be loaded because it is trying to refresh a view where the Metadata is no longer available?


  • Hi Francesca,

    After reviewing this post, I took a look through our support case history searching for when we've addressed this error. In one of our cases in which this error occurred in ListView, the agent assigned to the case found this post of yours, describing it as a similar situation they were facing.

    From your suspicions about ListView, I wonder if the two are somehow related. It sounds like you might be on the right track with the ListView reload lacking something it needs.

    In other cases we had presenting this error, each case turned out to be a customization made in a prior version that kept the view either calling for an action that no longer existed or pointed to an action that had since been moved.

    While I know this is not an answer, I hope the discussion is helpful somehow.

    Patrick McQueen
    Director, SugarCRM Support

  • Thank you

    I see how an old setting (we have many layouts we've been carrying for years) could prevent the list view from loading and cause that error to display but that does not explain the fact that imports with more than ~200 fail to complete to load.

    I had this happen before and there were some calculated fields that were causing issues (there is a thread somewhere in the club with answers from andopes) but those were taken care of and are no longer there.

    Is there a timeout on the import somewhere?