logic hooks popup alert


Please help me solution to display popup alert by logic hooks

This logic hooks after save of Case, when Case set to Closed but Task in subpanel is not Completed, the logic hooks will popup alert and restrict save.


  • Hi,

    You can use throw exception and popup the alert.Using exception you can restrict the save. Put below code in your logic hooks and check.

    throw new SugarApiExceptionNotAuthorized('SUGAR_API_EXCEPTION_RECORD_NOT_AUTHORIZED',array('view'));
     throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter(string_format(
    throw new SugarApiExceptionError('Unable to load field definition');

    Another way is use the Validations of sugarcrm. Please check one of sugarcrm link http://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_7.6/UI_Model/Views/Examples/Adding_Field… 

    Let me know if you need more help.


  • Hi Bhavesh Patel,

    Thank you very much, I'll try and feedback


  • Hi Bhavesh Patel

    This is my logic hooks


    class CheckClosed
    public function CheckTask(SugarBean $bean, $event, $args)
    global $sugar_config, $db,$current_user;
    //check Task status
    $id = $bean->id;
    $query = "SELECT status FROM tasks WHERE parent_id = '$id' AND deleted = '0'";
    $result = $db->query($query,true);
    $rows = $db->fetchByAssoc($result);
    $check = 0;
    foreach ($row as $rows) {
    if ($row['status'] != 'Completed') {
    $check = 1;
    $GLOBALS['log']->test('check: '.$id);
    if ($check = 1) {
    throw new SugarApiExceptionError('Unable to Closed. Please set Task to Completed');
    $GLOBALS['log']->test('check: '.$check);

    It dose not work with your code throw new SugarApiExceptionError('Unable to Closed. Please set Task to Completed');

    Please help me. Thanks

  • 1) Are you sure the logic hook is firing at all? Have you added this function to the logic hooks array and done a repair and rebuild? Alternatively, you could put this at the top of the function to check it's firing:

    $GLOBALS['log']->test('Logic hook is active');

    2) You've got an assignment in your code where you should have a comparison operator. Instead of:

    if ($check = 1) {

    You should have:

    if ($check == 1) {

    3) Instead of using throw new SugarApiExceptionError, have you tried sugar_die as I recommended:

    sugar_die('Unable to Closed. Please set Task to Completed.');


  • Thank for your reply

    1. I'm sure my logic hook is firing at alls

    2. New my code, but it did not work

    3. Please help me how to display code format in my post

    class CheckClosed
    public function CheckTask(SugarBean $bean, $event, $args)
    global $sugar_config, $db,$current_user;
    //check Task status
    $id = $bean->id;
    $status = $bean->status;
    $query = "SELECT status FROM tasks WHERE parent_id = '$id' AND deleted = '0'";
    $result = $db->query($query,true);
    $rows = $db->fetchByAssoc($result);
    $check = 0;
    foreach ($row as $rows) {
    if ($row['status'] != 'Completed') {
    $check = 1;
    if ($check == 1 && $status = 'Closed') {
    //throw new SugarApiExceptionError('Unable to Closed. Please set Task to Completed');
    sugar_die('Unable to Closed. Please set Task to Completed.');
    //$GLOBALS['log']->test('check: '.$check);
  • Thank for your reply

    1. I'm sure my logic hook is firing at alls

    2. New my code, but it did not work

    3. Please help me how to display code format in my post

    class CheckClosed
    public function CheckTask(SugarBean $bean, $event, $args)
    global $sugar_config, $db,$current_user;
    //check Task status
    $id = $bean->id;
    $status = $bean->status;
    $query = "SELECT status FROM tasks WHERE parent_id = '$id' AND deleted = '0'";
    $result = $db->query($query,true);
    $rows = $db->fetchByAssoc($result);
    $check = 0;
    foreach ($row as $rows) {
    if ($row['status'] != 'Completed') {
    $check = 1;
    if ($check == 1 && $status = 'Closed') {
    //throw new SugarApiExceptionError('Unable to Closed. Please set Task to Completed');
    sugar_die('Unable to Closed. Please set Task to Completed.');
    //$GLOBALS['log']->test('check: '.$check);
  • Well, let's try and break it down bit by bit. Change your code to:

    class CheckClosed
        public function CheckTask($bean, $event, $args){
            sugar_die('Unable to Closed. Please set Task to Completed.');

    This should stop a task from ever being saved. If that doesn't work, then the logic hook isn't firing. If it does work, then log the results of your SQL and figure out why that isn't doing what you're doing. Break the problem into little bits.

    With regards to the syntax highlighting - click on 'More ' in the editor, and then click on 'Syntax Highligher'.

    Let me know where/if    you get stuck.

  • Thank for your help.

    My purpose is stop Case save when set Case to Closed if Task of Case is not Completed and popup Alert.

     With your code I did not know how to check Task Completed when Case set to Closed

  • Hello Bao Tran Hoang,

    Please Put below code in your file.

    class CheckClosed
        public function CheckTask($bean, $event, $args){
             throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter(string_format(


    I have checked this is working fine for me.

    Hope it will help you.


  • Hi Bhavesh Patel,

    My logic hooks is working but this code dose not prevent Case save, I received error message: PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: extension

    public function CheckTask(SugarBean $bean, $event, $args)
        global $sugar_config, $db,$current_user;
           //check Task status
           $id = $bean->id;
           $status =  $bean->status;
           $GLOBALS['log']->test('check: '.$status);
           $query = "SELECT status FROM tasks WHERE parent_id = '$id' AND deleted = '0'";
           $result = $db->query($query,true);
           $rows = $db->fetchByAssoc($result);
           $check = 0;
           foreach ($rows as $row) {
              if ($row['status'] != 'Completed') {
              $check = 1;
              $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('check: '.$status);
           if ($check == 1 && $status = 'Closed') {
             throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter(string_format(
  • Hi Bao,

    Firstly, you've got a mistake '

           foreach ($row as $rows) {

    It should be:

           foreach ($rows as $row) {

    Secondly what is your logging output? Also, try putting in  $GLOBALS['log']->test(print_r($rows, true));  and let me know what the output of the rows are. Try putting in logging everywhere and try and solve it that way.   

  • Hi Bao Tran Hoang,

    That is not PHP Notic. You need to remove that extension variable.

    throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter(string_format(

    This way you can prevent the save.and got red alert pop-up.

    Below is the second way that you can use.


  • Thanks Bhavesh Patel

    I updated my code and add string LBL_CASE_NOT_CLOSED to lang, I received message in error PHP Notice:  Undefined index: LBL_CASE_NOT_CLOSED. Anh receive red alert  A parameter in your request was invalid.

    public function CheckTask(SugarBean $bean, $event, $args)
        global $sugar_config, $db,$current_user;
           //check Task status
           $id = $bean->id;
           $status =  $bean->status;
           $GLOBALS['log']->test('check: '.$status);
           $query = "SELECT status FROM tasks WHERE parent_id = '$id' AND deleted = '0'";
           $result = $db->query($query,true);
           $rows = $db->fetchByAssoc($result);
           $check = 0;
           foreach ($rows as $row) {
              if ($row['status'] != 'Completed') {
              $check = 1;
              $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('check: '.$status);
           if ($check == 1 && $status = 'Closed') {
             throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter(string_format(
  • Thank you very much, I updated my code below but it dose not work

  • I'm not sure about this 'throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter'. I'd use a sugar_die instead (I've mentioned this before). For example, using the code above:

    public function CheckTask(SugarBean $bean, $event, $args)
        global $sugar_config, $db,$current_user;
           //check Task status
           $id = $bean->id;
           $status =  $bean->status;
           $GLOBALS['log']->test('check: '.$status);
           $query = "SELECT status FROM tasks WHERE parent_id = '$id' AND deleted = '0'";
           $result = $db->query($query,true);
           $rows = $db->fetchByAssoc($result);
           $check = 0;
           foreach ($rows as $row) {
              if ($row['status'] != 'Completed') {
              $check = 1;
              $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('check: '.$status);
           if ($check == 1 && $status = 'Closed') {
              sugar_die('Case Not Closed');

    If you want to carry on using SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter, I'd recommend creating a new label for LBL_CASE_NOT_CLOSED.

  • hi Alan Apter

    I used your mentioned but I received red alert There was an error while connecting to the server. Please try again.