Default duration in calls [mobile app]

I managed to change the default duration of calls in the web application to 5 minutes (date_start and date_end fields). I need to know if it is possible to do the same for the mobile app. I couldn't find this information in the documentation.

Changes made:

  • custom/modules/Calls/clients/base/views/record/record.php
    • Changed step property from "30" to "5". This modification change the intervals of time that these fields show in their dropdowns.
  • custom/modules/Calls/clients/base/views/create/create.js
    • initialize: function (options) {
      this._super("initialize", [options]);
      this.on("render", this._setDefaultDateEnd, this);
      _setDefaultDateEnd: function () {
      var dateStart = new Date(this.model.get('date_start'));
      var dateEnd = moment(dateStart).add(5, 'm').format();
      this.model.set('date_end', dateEnd);

These changes worked for the web application. Is it possible to accomplish the same for the mobile app?

