What are your "top 10" developer how to questions?

I am restarting my developer newsletter, blog. What would you like to know how to do? Once, I have some content, I'll post how to subscribe.

  • Thanks ,  I am already subscribed to your blog ;-)

    I would love a custom email macro. (and wish it was an admin feature), as in being able to add multiple email macros.

    The only one out of the box is [CASE-%1], (we don't use email-to-case, but do use the macro to relate SNIP archived emails to the Case).

    Would love to be able to create Macro's for custom modules easily that the email archiving service can use to relate emails (which are mostly sent from process definition Email Templates, so automated) to their correct records.

    For example, we do not convert leads in the traditional sense. We forward them out to our partner channel.  I made some nice process definition, action button, email templates and layout fetures to enable sales to view the lead, vet it quickly, then choose the partner (account) to send it to with the click of button.

    But, while the email is sent it is not related to the record. :-(

    I activated the email archiving service (SNIP) (thanks to posting on here) and that works great for Case related emails...  but for anything else (and we have many) the email is just archived and not related to the record.

    So imaging in admin the ability to select a module (custom too) and create a macro for each.. like:

    [Lead-%1] - to related to the Lead.
    [FeatureKey-%1] - to relate to our custom feature key module records.

    I am more admin than dev, but a wannabe dev!   I always break my local dev instance... so go easy on me.

    Thanks for the content too.

  • great question!

    The simplest method to handle this would be to use a LogicHook which will review the "Macro" and then can call different Functions to parse the data and handle the routing. 

    Have you reviewed how the OOTB Case Macro works?

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  • Thanks ,

    We do use the Case Macro as described above, in the subject line of [automated] process email templates sent from other modules, to have them archived via SNIP back into the case...

    I have not studied the backend of how that works in the code.  If you know where that journey could start that would be great ;-)   (We have a local dev server running our sugar instance from a backup)