Hi There,
I am working on to show sidecar fields based on some cases of one of our module.
We are using below code :
Hi There,
I am working on to show sidecar fields based on some cases of one of our module.
We are using below code :
({ extendsFrom: "MultiSelectionListView", allowedFields: ["anml_animals_ii_inventory_item_1_name","type_2","test_type_c","timepoint_type","collection_date"], initialize: function () { this._super("initialize", arguments); this.collection.reset(); }, render: function () { this._super("render", arguments); this.layout.$el.parent().addClass("span12 ii_specimen_selection"); }, addActions: function () { this._super("addActions"); this.rightColumns = []; this.meta.panels[0].fields = _.filter(this.meta.panels[0].fields, function filterFields(field) { return this.allowedFields.indexOf(field.name) !== -1; }.bind(this)); } });
I think this conversation will help:
I've not programmatically changed a label name myself, and I have not tested this, but it looks like:
this.$('.record-label[data-name="your_field_name"]').text('New Description');
will do what you need
I think this conversation will help:
I've not programmatically changed a label name myself, and I have not tested this, but it looks like:
this.$('.record-label[data-name="your_field_name"]').text('New Description');
will do what you need