Populating dropdown I got max 20 entries whereas I should get more (v7.6.1)

Hello everyone,

The code below populates my dropdown, but if more than 20 elements are expected, only the first 20 elements appears in my dropdown.

Someone knows how I can get all of them in my dropdown? Sugar version is 7.6.1.

                        var cpt = 1;

                        var urlc = app.api.buildURL("myCustomModule", null, null, {

                            "filter": [{

                                "psc": "1"



                        app.api.call('read', urlc, null, {

                            success: function (data) {

                                options[0] = "";



                                    options[cpt] = i.name;





                                var toto = new Backbone.Model();

                                toto.set('s1', []);

                                s1.items = options;




Thanks ! Best regards.

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