WAMP local sugar from backup 404

Hi.  I'm trying to set up a local version of Sugar 11 from a cloud backup.    I'm fairly confident the prerequisites/requirements have been met (https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Versions/11.0/Ent/Installation_and_Upgrade_Guide/#Installation_Prerequisites).  

I have a clean version of Sugar 11 on localhost which seems to work, I'm using WAMP 64-bit, PHP 7.3.21 (or 7.4.9) , MySQL 5.7.31, Apache 2.4.46, Elasticsearch 7.13.2. Chrome Version 91.0.4472.124 (Official Build) (64-bit). 

I've followed the instructions from https://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_10.3/Integration/Migration/Migrating_From_Sugar_Cloud_to_On-Site/  and when I try to access the install I get the 'Loading...' box and an error in the console "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) at <backupSugar>/rest/v11_12/metadata/public?type_filter=&platform=base&module_dependencies=1  

I've cleared the browser cache and the Sugar cache folder and reloaded. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? 



  • Hi Poojitha, thanks for responding.

    I've changed installer_locked to false and I then get the message :-

    "AllowOverride setup for .htaccess
    Test for .htaccess rewrites failed. This usually means you do not have AllowOverride set up for Sugar directory."

    I've added this to the apache2.conf

    <Directory "/var/www/html/sugar">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

    If I run "apachectl -M | grep rewrite" it returns "rewrite_module (shared)" which I believe means rewrite is enabled.

    If I add an .htaccess file as posted above I still get the same '.htaccess rewrites failed.' message.

    If I amend the .htaccess file with "RewriteBase /myWindowsSugarFolder"

    I get:-

    Writable Cache Sub-Directories The files or directories listed below are not writeable or are missing and cannot be created. Depending on your Operating System, correcting this may require you to change permissions on the files or parent directory (chmod 755), or to right click on the parent directory and uncheck the 'read only' option and apply it to all subfolders.

    Please fix the following files or directories before proceeding:

    AllowOverride setup for .htaccess
    Test for .htaccess rewrites failed. This usually means you do not have AllowOverride set up for Sugar directory.

    I seem to have basically come full circle as the .htaccess message was part of the initial reason I'd opted to try WAMP instead, as I'd got the message when I first tried set up a backup on Vagrant. 

    Any suggestion what I else can do would be helpful.

    Thanks again


  • For anyone unlucky enough to go down this rabbit hole, reinstalling WAMP to v3.2.3.3 seems to have resolved this, I can now login to the backup.  Thanks to everyone who responded.

  • I think this could help:

    sudo a2enmod rewrite
    sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart