How to load a relate field into another field

Hi Everyone,

We currently have a relate field and would like to have the value selected in this field appear in another field on the same module. To my knowledge, it is not possible via studio and a calculated field. Has anyone had any luck loading a relate field to another field? Please note this is not a relationship field either.

1. Relate field to users module from opportunities
2. Text field on opportunities module.

Sugar version 10.0.2


Parents Reply
  • In that situation I would do a logic hook that looks to see if the relate field has changed, and if so triggers your workflow. It's a simple process of comparing the field content before and after the changes are made. 

    I have not played with Workflows in Professional, we only had a couple when it was communicated, quite some time ago, that workflow would go away from Professional version so I converted those few to logic hooks, but I am guessing there is a way to use workflow, perhaps by checking the relate field's ID rather than the field itself, and you can find that name in the vardefs in your cache file.

    Best of luck.


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