I have developed a simple C# program to extract Quotes from Sugar using the example
However this returns the header data only.
Question is:
What do I use to return the Quote Line Items?
Thank you
I have developed a simple C# program to extract Quotes from Sugar using the example
However this returns the header data only.
Question is:
What do I use to return the Quote Line Items?
Thank you
If you get the quotes data there should be a 'bundles' property in the json returned.
Hi Jeroen,
Thank you for reply. I have been testing in postman and can view the header, but there are no bundles property in my json response.
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Do you by chance have an
Can you check in sugar if there are actual quote line items connected to the quote?
which version of sugar are we talking about?
Hi Jeroen,
10.2.0 (Build 235 P) (Q4 2020)
Hi Jeroen,
10.2.0 (Build 235 P) (Q4 2020)