Sugar 7 : how to disable "create lead" button in Main Menu?

Hello everyone,
Here i come again with a new problem/question !

Sugar 7.2.0, Pro edition :
My Leads are automatically created (by .csv imports or by another way), and I would like to disable the standard creation for all users.

My question could be cut in two parts :
 - How do I disable the "Create a Lead" button in the module tab's dropdown on the Main Menu?
( tried to disable it via custom/modules/Leads/clients/base/views/headerpane/headerpane.php, ran QRR, but did nothing)
 - How do I disable the "Create" button in the Leads' ListView?
(i checked out custom/modules/Leads/clients/base/views/list/list.php and there is nothing about buttons)
 - How do i disable every create leads button, in all the application, in fact?

Thanks a lot for giving me clues on where i should search :)
Parents Reply
  • Hi Mike,
    First of all, thanks for sharing your experience. I still have a question :

    Did you meant that you modified the <sugarbase>/clients/base/views/list-headerpane/list-headerpane.php?

    I tried to override it by copying it under custom/modules/Leads/clients/base/views/list-headerpane/list-headerpane.php, commented the array for create_button and ran a QRR... but it made a big issue : every module name on main Menu was replaced by "Module Nmae" and no more "Leads", "Accoutns" and so.. And switched between 404 error and loading page..

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