How can I hide/remove or disable the import feature in code for all modules or certain modules.
1. for all modules
2. for accounts and opportunities only?
Thank you in advance
How can I hide/remove or disable the import feature in code for all modules or certain modules.
1. for all modules
2. for accounts and opportunities only?
Thank you in advance
Hi Peter,
Copy file from /modules/{module}/clients/base/menus/header/header.php
to /custom/modules/{module}/clients/base/menus/header/header.php.
And comment the code of import menu.Below is code with commented import option for Accounts module.Do the same for modules you want to do.
<?php $moduleName = 'Accounts'; $viewdefs[$moduleName]['base']['menu']['header'] = array( array( 'label' =>'LNK_NEW_ACCOUNT', 'acl_action'=>'create', 'acl_module'=>$moduleName, 'icon' => 'fa-plus', 'route'=>'#'.$moduleName.'/create', ), array( 'label' => 'LBL_BAL', 'acl_action' => 'create', 'acl_module' => $moduleName, 'icon' => 'fa-plus', 'route' => '#'.$moduleName.'/layout/dnb-bal', ), array( 'route'=>'#'.$moduleName, 'label' =>'LNK_ACCOUNT_LIST', 'acl_action'=>'list', 'acl_module'=>$moduleName, 'icon' => 'fa-bars', ), array( 'route' => '#bwc/index.php?' . http_build_query( array( 'module' => 'Reports', 'action' => 'index', 'view' => $moduleName, 'query' => 'true', 'report_module' => $moduleName, ) ), 'label' =>'LNK_ACCOUNT_REPORTS', 'acl_action'=>'list', 'acl_module'=>$moduleName, 'icon' => 'fa-bar-chart-o', ), /* array( 'route' => '#bwc/index.php?' . http_build_query( array( 'module' => 'Import', 'action' => 'Step1', 'import_module' => $moduleName, ) ), 'label' =>'LNK_IMPORT_ACCOUNTS', 'acl_action'=>'import', 'acl_module'=>$moduleName, 'icon' => 'fa-arrow-circle-o-up', ), */ );
Thank you Ajay. This worked.
I could manage to achieve it in a more generic way, so you wouldn't need to do it for every module, since you asked to do it for all modules.
- Create a custom/clients/base/views/module-menu/module-menu.js
- Extend from original one
extendsFrom: 'ModuleMenuView',
- Extend filterByAccess with the following
filterByAccess: function(meta) { var self = this; var temp0 = this._super('filterByAccess', [meta]); var temp = []; _.each(temp0, function(menuItem) { if (menuItem.acl_action != 'import') { temp.push(menuItem); } }); return temp; },
No Code solution:
Remove the import rights from the roles. You can set this per module.
Not that easy for our environment, where 27 additional custom modules were created.